Transportation Form

Hello Parents/Guardians,

Student-athletes are expected to travel with the team to and from all away contests on the school provided transportation. Parents and/or guardians who find it necessary to transport their son/daughter to or home from an athletic contest must notify the coach by submission of a Saint Joseph High School “Student Athlete Permission Slip for Game Transportation to AWAY Contests.” The approved parent/guardian permission slip is located in the appendix of the Athletic Handbook and on the school website at In the event a parent needs their son or daughter to go home with another student or student’s parent(s), the school approved permission slip must indicate this information and be signed by the student athlete’s parent or guardian. All permission forms must be turned into the coach prior to the athletic contest. Student athletes traveling in a private vehicle are not covered by Saint Joseph High School’s transportation insurance policy.

Completed copies of the Transportation Form should be submitted to Mrs. Ackerman (Athletic Director) and the corresponding coach.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Go Spartans!